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The importance of a clean and healthy environment has always reigned supreme in all times. However, the present scenario, especially in the wake of Covid-19, has made it absolutely essential to life itself. We need to be on guard for all kinds of stubborn and lethal germs to ensure personal hygiene at homes and public health and safety in work places. The need of the hour, is to come up with professionally competent and contemporary measures to ensure a clean germ-free environment overall. It is with this specific aim in perspective that Falkon Cleaning has ventured forward with a modern and superior sanitization/ fumigation and cleaning services to ensure comprehensive and persistent public health and safety.


Falkon Cleaning is a contemporary Sanitization & Fumigation Company providing premium and state-of-the-art services on professional basis and aims to ensure public hygiene, health and safety at large.

We aspire to provide a germ-free environment especially focusing on offices and industry at large, as we believe our work places must be essentially clean and germ free so as to ensure the health and safety of the workers at all levels. This in turn makes it possible for life to keep on moving ahead unhindered.

The work areas may include:

Offices/work places



Educational institutions

Sports arenas

Parks/public places

Public transport

All indoor and outdoor places where general public interaction may take place.